Collaboration Seeker
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I am a final year student of Master in Governance Studies, Meiji University Tokyo.
I conduct research on Skilled Migration and Participation in the Home Country Development. My targeted respondent are particularly Malaysian Diaspora in Japan.
I am looking for Malaysian Diaspora in Japan to participate in my in-depth interview session which will be held on this coming December 2024. The criteria of interviewee in this study are Malaysian diaspora in Japan who posses at least a tertiary education, has working experience in Japan at least one year or above, and actively participate either formally or informally in the programs/ activities/ initiatives that enables any form of contributions to our country development.
The examples of respondent that I am looking for are as follows:
(i) a University X Professor who always involves in the knowledge transfer program in Conference X organized by Ministry X to benefits Malaysian professionals;
(ii) a businessman based in Japan who imports Malaysian products to the Japan market;
(ii) an Engineer who actively and informally participated in diaspora community programs in Japan to connect Malaysian diaspora in gathering activities; etc.
The interview session will take around 30 minutes to 1 hour only per session. It will be conducted either through online platform/ physically based on the interviewee comfort and preferences.
Lastly, I really hope to see more Malaysian Diaspora to participate in this research. If you have any inquiries regarding the interview, please do not hesitate to get connected through this MyHeart platform or email me at Thank you.