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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Returning Expert Programme (REP)

The Returning Expert Programme (REP) is a national programme by the Malaysian government to facilitate the return of Malaysian professionals to meet the talent needs of the nation, especially in the context of specific sectors identified as key to Malaysia’s economic transformation agenda.

You should apply 1-2 months before your expected date of return. If approved for the REP, you will be given a validity period of two (2) years to complete the following:

  • Return to Malaysia
  • Obtain employment
  • Report to TalentCorp and obtain the Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali
  • Claim all benefits and incentives

Application to be submitted one to two months before your expected date of return to Malaysia, while you are still residing and employed abroad.

You may apply online. Once an application is complete and all documents have been submitted, the REP Secretariat will take up to 45 working days to process the application. After processing, applications will be tabled to the REP Evaluation Committee for their consideration. Applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision (to approve or not to approve their application) within a few days of the REP Evaluation Committee meeting.

Yes, you may reapply as long as you still fulfill all the eligibility requirements. Alternatively, you may appeal for an extension of up to 1 year for your approval period, depending on the circumstances.

No, you are unable to reapply as applicants have to be working and residing abroad at the time of application. 

Yes, you can reapply if you are still working and residing abroad and meet all the eligibility requirements.

Register your interest here if you would like to attend employment facilitation sessions with companies in Malaysia. These quarterly events are organised by TalentCorp.

Applicant must return to Malaysia, obtain employment and claim his/her REP incentives within 2 years of the validity period.

Approved applicants are given a 2-year validity period to return to Malaysia, obtain employment, report in to TalentCorp, and claim the incentives. Once applicants report in to TalentCorp with the necessary documents, they will receive the Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali (SATK), which is necessary to claim REP incentives. The documents required for obtaining SATK are:

  • Proof of commencing employment (permanent employment) in Malaysia e.g. Employment Contract and / or 1st Month’s Pay Slip or other similar documentation;
  • Boarding Pass / Flight Tickets / e-ticket;Original Academic Certificates;
  • International Passport.

Proof of return is required, for those travelling by car, we will either cite the return stamp on your passport or toll ticket during the travel.

Applicants may then use the ‘Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali’ to claim the incentives and benefits offered under the REP:

  • Optional 15% flat tax rate on chargeable employment income for a period of five (5) years continuously.
  • Exemption on import duty and excise duty for the purchase of one (1) Complete Knocked Down (CKD) vehicle subject to the total duty exemption limited up to RM100k.
  • Tax exemption for all personal effects* brought into Malaysia, limited to one (1) shipment *Personal effects don’t encompass motorised vehicles.
  • The foreign spouse and children of an applicant (below 18 years old) will be eligible to apply for Permanent Resident (PR) status. Applicant and foreign spouse must be married prior to date of REP application submission. The procedure for Entry Permit issuance is subject to approval and at the discretion of the Director General of Immigration Department of Malaysia while the procedure for MyPR issuance is subject to approval and at the discretion of Director General of National.
  • Registration Department of Malaysia. This PR status is only applicable for Peninsular Malaysia.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, application processing takes up to 45 working days upon complete submission of documents.

Please be aware that the processing period may be extended without prior notice, as this process involves coordination between TalentCorp and relevant government agencies and authorities.

All applications and correspondence for REP approvals and claims of benefits and incentives will only be between TalentCorp, the applicant and relevant agencies. TalentCorp does not engage any agents to act on their behalf.

TalentCorp has a dedicated REP Helpdesk to answer your questions. They are contactable at +603 7839 7171 during regular office hours between Monday-Friday. Alternatively, you may email myheart@talentcorp.com.my

TalentCorp organises employment facilitation events for approved REP applicants and companies who are actively hiring in Malaysia. 

If you would like to attend these (or other events for REP applicants), register your interest here.

The REP Committee is currently chaired by TalentCorp and represented by other ministries and agencies, including but not limited to the Ministry of Finance, Inland Revenue Board, Immigration Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, and others. TalentCorp acts as the Secretariat for the Returning Expert Programme.

TalentCorp adheres to the confidentiality policy and will never divulge applicants’ personal information to third parties, without prior approval from applicants.

You may get in touch with the REP Secretariat by emailing rep@talentcorp.com.my

There is no restriction for leaving the country. However, LHDN audit may find that your tax filing does not follow the expected procedure, in which case the tax incentive will be terminated. To avoid unforeseen problems, we strongly recommend that you inform LHDN about your plans to leave the country.

The REP is a programme by the Malaysian government and subject to revision without prior notice.

TalentCorp organises education facilitation events for approved REP applicants, with private and international schools in Malaysia. Kindly refer to our Education for Your Children page for more information.

No, TalentCorp and the Government of Malaysia do not have any jurisdiction on where the applicants want to enroll their children. It is up to the applicants to enroll their children in any school of choice.

REP applications have to be made while applicants are residing and working overseas. This is one of the eligibility requirements; any application submitted after an applicant has returned to Malaysia will not be approved by the REP Evaluation Committee. 

To be eligible for the REP, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Is a Malaysian citizen
  2. Is currently residing abroad and has been employed abroad continuously for a minimum of three years at the time of REP application
  3. Has not earned employment income in Malaysia continuously for a minimum of three years prior to REP application
  4. REP Application is made prior to returning to Malaysia.
  5. Applicant does not hold any outstanding scholarship bond or loan with the Malaysian government and its agencies.
  6. The applicant is under no obligation to return to Malaysia (if returning with the same company).

*Please note that REP applications should be submitted while the applicant is still residing and working abroad. Submissions made by applicants upon their return to Malaysia will not be considered.

While it is not mandatory, we would appreciate if you keep us updated on your current employment within the 5 years’ timeframe.

We regret that you will not be eligible.

REP applications have to be made while applicants are residing and working overseas. This is one of the eligibility requirements; any application submitted after an applicant has returned to Malaysia will not be approved by the REP Evaluation Committee. 

The Committee’s approval is based on the guideline on eligibility criteria.

The REP is only applicable for Malaysian citizens who are still working and residing abroad at time of application.

The REP is only applicable for Malaysian citizens who are still working and residing abroad at time of application.

As per the Ministry of Health’s directive, all medical graduates without prior clinical experience are not eligible for the REP.

An approved REP applicant who has received the SATK is not eligible to reapply a second time. The issuance of REP SATK and availability of REP incentives is only valid for one (1) time application per approved REP applicant.

As long as there is no outstanding loans unpaid/scholarship bond to JPA an applicant would be considered for the incentives. However, confirmation from JPA on loans/scholarship status will be sought on all REP applications.

The 15% Flat Tax Rate is ‘optional’ as an REP applicant can choose to apply this incentive to their tax returns, or not. Once opted for, this 15% Flat Tax Rate will be for a continuous period of 5 years. If an applicant chooses not to utilise this incentive within 2 years (the year of return or the year after), the applicant will not be able to claim this incentive in the future.

Kindly refer here for Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri’s (LHDN) individual tax brackets. 

Keep in mind that the following is an estimate based on an example, and the actual amount will vary due to personal tax reliefs taken, additional income, and other factors. 

Example of a married applicant: 
Applicant earns RM 15,000 monthly income
Annual income = RM180,000 (RM15,000 x 12)
Tax reliefs taken = RM13,000 (RM9,000 for Individual + RM4,000 for Spouse)
Chargeable Income = RM167,000 (RM180,000 – RM13,000)

A) Regular tax rate calculation (at 2021 rate, non-REP):


  On the First 100,000 10,700
G100,001 – 250,000Next 150,0002436,000

*Income tax bracket taken from LHDN’s website

In this example, chargeable income is RM167,000 and qualifies for this tax bracket above. 
Annual tax = RM10,700 + (24% x (167,000 – 100000)) = RM26,780

B) REP 15% flat tax calculation: 
Chargeable Income x 15%
RM167,000 x 15% = RM25,050

In the example above, the 15% flat tax rate is lower than the regular tax rate. For more information, please contact LHDN. 

Assuming you are approved for the REP, you will receive a 2-year validity period during which time you can make your choice and claim this incentive. Within this period, it is assumed that you obtain employment and return to Malaysia. Your validity period will lapse after 2 years; this means after 2 years you will not be eligible to claim the tax incentive, should you decide to do so.

There are two (2) steps to utilise the 15% flat tax rate incentive:

Firstly, the employer can deduct Potongan Cukai Bulanan (PCB) at the rate of 15% from the applicant’s monthly salary once employment has started.

Secondly, the applicant must file their tax individually using the e-BT form for the next five (5) years. They are given the option to start using the 15% flat tax rate on their first year of employment or in the next consecutive year, as stated in the Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali (SATK).

Approved REP applicants are allowed to establish their own business but will not be eligible for the 15% flat tax rate if they are drawing a business income. The exception here is if they are drawing a fixed employment income from the business. Kindly refer to the REP Helpdesk for more information. 

Once you have purchased your CKD vehicles tax-free, you must have them in possession for a minimum period of two (2) years before you are allowed to sell them off to a third party.

In the event the approved Applicant intends to sell the vehicle after the 2-year period, then the approved Applicant is required to obtain prior approval from Ministry of Finance and pay the remaining duties and/or taxes to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department prior to the sale. Please refer to the Ministry of Finance for more information on this.

Vehicles cannot be sold or its ownership transferred (penukaran hak milik) without paying excise duty and sales tax calculated by the Royal Malaysian Customs during the sale or ownership transfer.

To purchase CKD vehicles under the REP, returnees will have to approach a car dealer with a copy of their Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali and Approval Letter.

Here are the steps to claiming the CKD vehicle incentive:

  • Make a booking, and get the chassis number and engine number from the car dealer
  • Once the information is available, you may proceed with a tax exemption application.
  • Visit the MyCukai portal and register for an account.
  • The Ministry of Finance (MoF) will process the tax exemption and issue the Tax Exemption letter (stating the car’s chassis and engine number). The car dealer must bring the letter to the Customs department for endorsement. After that, it reverts to a normal purchasing process.

Taxes will differ based on the make, model, engine capacity, and car dealer’s profit margin.

Approved REP applicants may refer to the Customs Department for the exact tax amounts. TalentCorp does not have this information.

Approval of excise duty and sales tax will be withdrawn if recipient violates any of the conditions contained in the approval letter from TalentCorp. This means applicants will be charged full duties and taxes on the car if it is sold within a 2-year period.

Applications would have to be submitted individually and if approved, each applicant is eligible for one car.

  1. Applicant must obtain a valid Approval Letter, Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali and support letters from Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp).
  2. Application can ONLY be submitted at Immigration Department Headquarters in Putrajaya.

For more information on the MyPR application procedure, applicant may refer here.

Foreign spouse and children (below 18 years old) of the approved applicant (if any) is recommended to apply for the Long Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP) on the same day of Entry Permit application at the Immigration.
Applicant may walk-in to the Immigration Office for the Entry Permit submission and refer to Immigration’s website on the operation hours.

For Entry Permit application process at Immigration, related documents are:

  1. Borang Permohonan Permit Masuk IM.4 Pin1/93 can be obtained from TalentCorp

For Permanent Resident (MyPR) application process at National Registration Department (JPN), related documents are:

  1. MyPR application form JPN.KP01.

*We encouraged applicant to engage directly with Bahagian Visa, Pas dan Permit, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia if there is any further enquiries on the required documents prior to your visit to Immigration for a smoother process.

The Entry Permit application will take 6 months or longer to be processed by the Immigration department upon complete submission. Therefore, your foreign spouse and children are recommended to apply for LTSVP as a valid pass to stay in Malaysia while waiting for the decision on the PR as LTSVP can be granted sooner.

However, TalentCorp cannot make any guarantees as to the success or timeline of this process. Application for Entry Permit will be processed at the discretion of the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

TalentCorp cannot provide any guarantee for the success of the application as it is subject to approval and at the discretion of the Director General of the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

Applicant may check on the status of the application at the link below;



  1. Please remove the icon “/” from the original reference no. ‘No. Rujukan’ when you fill up the form (e.g. EPW121XXXXXX)
  2. ‘Penaja’ Sponsor is referring to approved REP applicant.

We encouraged applicant to engage directly with Bahagian Visa, Pas dan Permit, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia for further advice.

One of the REP benefits is that a foreign spouse and children may be eligible for Permanent Residence (MyPR) status, subject to approval and at the sole discretion of the Immigration Department of Malaysia. TalentCorp cannot make any guarantees as to the success or timeline of this process. Please be informed that in the case of a PR application for your spouse, you would need to be legally married (and officially registered in Malaysia) at the time of your REP application. This process could take some time.

For non-married partners, please be informed that you can go through the standard (non-REP) pass applications at Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Long Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP) for now, and if your partner would like to work in Malaysia, they will need to be hired by a company and get an employment pass (applied for by the company).”

The PR Incentive offered by the REP is only applicable for those residing in Peninsular Malaysia. For Sabah and Sarawak, foreign spouses and children of applicants must reside in Sabah and Sarawak for at least five (5) years before being eligible for PR status.

In your case, it is our understanding that your spouse will have to reside in Sabah or Sarawak for at least five (5) years before applying for PR status. However, we advise you to check with the Sabah/Sarawak immigration office on their procedures, as well as any changes in criteria for PR applications. TalentCorp has no jurisdiction over immigration matters. 

Your personal effects are the goods kept by you or your immediate family for household or personal use. It encompasses electrical goods, furniture and fittings and other household items. Motorised vehicles and taxable items, such as alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco, do not fall under the category of personal effects. All items should have been in your possession and used for a period of not less than three months.

It is best done in parallel, i.e. you should return to Malaysia and ship your personal effects at the same time. Upon your return, employment and obtainment of your ‘Surat Akuan Tarikh Kembali’, you may then claim your tax-free personal effects. However, kindly note that this incentive would only apply for the first shipment and any other subsequent shipments may be subjected to taxes.

This will depend on several factors:

  1. Whether you were sent abroad on a secondment basis
  2. Whether there was an understanding that you would return to Malaysia with a ready position within the company, after being abroad
  3. Whether you were/are under the obligation to return to Malaysia

If the answer to any of the above is “yes”, unfortunately you would be ineligible for the REP. However, if the answer to all the above is “no”, you may be eligible for the REP, pending review of necessary documentation.

Applicant who wish to bring back their pets, would have to comply with the regulations under Customs and Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia. Please browse the following website for further details: https://www.dvs.gov.my/

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Incentives Templer Park International School

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Incentives Oasis International School

100% Waiver of Registration Fee (RM10,000 value)

Incentives Sri KDU

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Incentives Straits International School

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Savings of over RM10,000 plus additional benefits


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Incentives Tenby Schools

100% OFF Application & Registration fees + 10% OFF Annual School Fees

Savings of over RM10,000 plus additional benefits


For new students at any ISP (International School Partnership) School in Malaysia

Incentives Asia Pacific Schools

100% OFF Application & Registration fees + 10% OFF Annual School Fees

Savings of over RM10,000 plus additional benefits


For new students at any ISP (International School Partnership) School in Malaysia

Incentives Taylor’s International School

100% waiver of Registration Fees

Savings up to RM20,000


Only for new enrollments into any of Taylor’s International School (Branch Kuala Lumpur / Puchong) from now until 31 December 2023

Incentives Nexus International School

100% waiver of Registration Fees

Savings up to RM20,000


Only for new enrollments into any of Nexus International School from now until 31 December 2023

Incentives Gardens International School

100% waiver of Registration Fees

Savings up to RM20,000


Only for new enrollments into any of Gardens International School from now until 31 December 2023

Dr Catheryn Lim

Who is Dr Catheryn Lim?

Currently a Senior Research Fellow at Matthew Wood group and Chair, Early-Mid Career Researchers Committee at Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford. Received her Ph.D., Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry from UNSW Dr. Lim is now working on understanding disease mechanisms and developing genetic treatments for neuromuscular diseases. Two of these strategies are now at later stages of development where she is collaborating with industrial partners to optimise the strategies in preparation for first-in-human clinical trials.

Format of the sharing session

The participants for the session consisted of students and academicians coming from various biological and related sciences background.

During the session, Dr. Lim shared about her experience and journey in the research world and delved into the new developments being made in genetic treatments (specifically in neuromuscular diseases). She also shared some tips and advice on how to be active in the biotechnology research industry.


The session has exposed 183 participants to new development in genetic treatments (specifically in neuromuscular diseases).

Dr Aid Fawzal

Who is Dr Aid Fawzal?

Experienced CFD Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the automotive, energy and oil & gas industries. Strong professional background with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical, Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering from Coventry University. Invented a constant number which is called the Fawzal Number (Fa) which is used to optimize supercar’s cooling system.

Format of the sharing session

Our participants consist of students from various engineering field and various level of studies, from bachelor’s degree to PhD.

During the session, Dr Aid shared with us the step-by-step process involved in designing a car using a simulation software where he explained why certain components are designed in such ways and the importance of each component. He also shared some tips to students who are planning to go into the automotive field.


The session has benefited 284 participants with new knowledge and exposure to the automotive world and inspire our future engineers to pursue and improve our automotive industry.

Samantha Chong

In 2022, we collaborated with KL City Opera and organised a masterclass with Samantha Chong, a Malaysian mezzo-soprano based in Hong Kong


To develop the performing arts scene in Malaysia via a collaboration with a leading name in classical Italian opera.

Format of the masterclass

The masterclass was held over 2 days, where 4 participants were selected to perform an aria or duet. Samantha then provided verbal and demonstrative feedback to each participant for 7-9 minutes each, which included song and scene interpretation, and stage presence.


Samantha made a conscious effort to focus her sharing NOT on singing, but on the various aspects of performance, something that Malaysian performers lacked. So, MyCollabs acted as a medium for her to guide the students in navigating the world of classical opera, including dealing with different stakeholders like conductors, music directors and repetiteurs.

The students, on the other hand, received a rare opportunity to undergo a masterclass conducted by a seasoned performer for free. They could then use the knowledge they gained to enhance their opera skills and hopefully, pursue a career as full-time professional opera singers, something which is a rarity in Asia.